A downloadable Unity Project

Update 5/7/2023

  • Changed download to an asset package
  • Added installation instructions down below


Update 5/3/2023: As noted by other users, some of the assets in this package were bought and are being redistributed for free, which goes against their license and store terms. The packages have been updated to not include these:

  • All robots
  • Water shader
  • Trees
  • Falling leaves VFX
  • Confetti VFX
  • Distant waterfall

I'm working to replace these assets over time with my own work. In the meantime you can still enjoy the rest of the environment and the arena.



  • Download the package below
  • Start a new Unity Project with the "3D (HDRP)" template, or open an HDRP-ready project
  • Head to Assets -> Import package -> Custom package and import the Sphere City package
  • Once imported open the "Main - Sphere City" scene in the Scenes folder

Inspired by the visuals of the DokeV gameplay trailer, I built this spherical robot planet to try and capture that feeling of a vibrant and utopic place. This is a Unity project that you can download and tinker with for free! There's also working files included (blender and substance painter mostly).

I'm hoping I can inspire someone who knows Unity to take this and make a combat demo out of it. If you do please reach out and share it!

This environment is game-ready, tested to run at 60 FPS on a 1070 while I was making it. There are extra animations not shown in this trailer for both the player cyborg and the boss: run, shoot, melee, jump, roll, etc. Hopefully enough for anyone comfy with Unity to start coding some gameplay.

If you have any questions or requests (I'll try my best for requests but my spare time is limited) reach me at farhanq3d@gmail.com

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags3D, animations, arena, Blender, Colorful, environment, robot, sphere, Unity


Sphere City - Unity HDRP Asset

Development log


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"The packages have been updated to not include these" - ahhaha.. it's easier to say they don't include anything